Vacuum Daily
Rinse Weekly With A Garden Hose
Remove Soil With A Mild Dishwashing Detergent
And Rinse With Garden Hose
Put In Washing Machine
Dry Clean
Use A Rotary Brush Cleaner
Use Harsh Detergents
Use Harsh Chemicals
General Information
Bigger Is Not Better!
Your Logo and Advertising Message have to be read and understood with an exposure time directly related to the number of footsteps taken across your Logo Mat™. If your design is too large, the visual IMPACT is compromised. REMEMBER: Your message has to be read in less than ONE second!
Standard Maximum Design Area
2’ X 3’ ..........16” X 24”
3’ X 4’...........22” X 30”
3’ X 5’...........22” X 30”
3’ X 6’...........24” X 30”
4’ X 6’...........26” X 32”
4’ X 8’...........26” X 32”
3’ X 10’.........24” X 32”
4’ X 10’.........26” X 32”
Production Time: From Receipt Of Order, and Approval Of Art & Credit
Catalog Quantity
- Single Color Imprint – 8 Business Days
- Multi Color Imprint – 15 Business Days
Devon stands behind all products for a full two years. Both the Design and Carpet are guaranteed for two years when proper maintenance procedures are followed. This guarantee is prorated.
Devon Logo Mats™ are manufactured from either Olefin or Polypropylene carpet, with a non-skid vinyl backing and 1” tapered vinyl border. Your logo is embedded into the carpet as a through and through design, using predyed NYLON FLOCK fibers. The combination of Olefin or Polypropylene carpet and Nylon Flock imprint material produces a crisp and vibrant representation of your Logo and Name.
Imprint Area
Each size Logo MatTM has an imprint area, centered on the mat. Your Logo and advertising message are reproduced within this area.
Pricing: All items in this catalog are priced per each, and are F.O.B our factory in NW Georgia, (Metropolitan Chattanooga, TN)
Prices subject to change without notice: Not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or improperly represented colors.
Rush Charges: $75.00(G) per imprint color. Rush production will decrease published Catalog production time by no more than ½ length of time shown. Rush production will be determined on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks: When orders are manufactured to customer’s specification, purchaser assumes all liability which may result from action taken against Devon for patent, copyright, or trademark infringement.
Overruns/Underruns: Logo Mat TM are subject to a 5% over/under Mugger™ Mug Mat™, and P.O.PTM Change Mats are subject to a 10% over/under. All variances billed pro rata.
Fax Orders: Devon in not responsible for errors from handwritten copy or unclear FAX transmissions.
Less Than Minimum: Orders of at least one half the smallest catalog quantity are acceptable at plus 50% of the first column price.
Tolerances: Logo Mats™ vary with tolerances overall of up to one inch plus or minus in each direction. Logo Mats are hand crafted.
Export: With complete customs paperwork $30.00(G). Without complete customs paperwork $100.00(G)
Special Notice: Logos shown in this catalog are for display purposes only. Logo bearing merchandise can only be purchased by or through the company to which the logo or symbol belongs.
Split Destinations: In addition to applicable shipping charges: Freight Shipments $6.50(G) per destination when entire shipment ships at one time. UPS $3.75(G) per destination.
Release Shipments: $20.00(G) per release. All releases must be complete within 6 months. Order cannot be changed or cancelled once first shipment is made.
Individual Drop Ships: $2.00(G) per unit plus shipping charges.
Volume Orders: UPS or Postal charges must be paid prior to shipment. Labels and a typed list of addresses must accompany all volume orders. Labels prepared by factory, $0.35(G) each.
New Customers: To assure prompt production of your initial orders, prior to establishing open account, we recommend either a cashier’s check or money order be sent with those initial orders.
Shipments: Best way unless otherwise specified. UPS Shipments are subject to a nominal handling and insurance charge per parcel. Truck Shipments are prepaid with the freight bill coming directly to the distributor.
Color Match: Carpet and imprint colors are not guaranteed to match or to be identical to earlier production, and production runs may not be identical to proof samples. As with all fabric dye lots, colors imprinted at different times will differ.
C.O.D.: Sorry, not available